Tuesday, December 12, 2006

Rights and Responsibilities/Citizen Participation

Today we....

1. Current Events - "Duceppe threatens to topple government over Afghan mission" - students had to read the article and write one paragraph on the 5 w's and how and one paragraph on their opinion.
The article can be found at www.cbc.ca/canada/story/2006/12/11/duceppe-afghanistan.html

2. Rights and Responsibilities - Questionnaire

3. Parallel of the "Rights and Responsibilities of a student" - overhead/discussion

4. Human Rights Commission, Canadian Bill of Rights, and the Charter of Rights and Freedoms - overhead/discussion

5. Assignment - read p. 268-270 - q. 1-3, read p.271-274 - q. 7, define - duties, freedom, common law, statues, entrenched, summarize the 10 sections of the charter of rights and freedoms and what is the human rights commission?

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