Wednesday, January 09, 2008

Do Multinationals hurt people living with poverty?

Today we....

1. Reviewed Homework - pgs. 236 -240 and 'Voices' #1-3.

2. Do Multinationals hurt people living with poverty?
- we completed this activity today but students were given the opportunity to finish for homework. If you were away see me for details.

3. Impacts on the Environment
- read pgs. 272-275 and complete the 'Voices' #1-2

Monday, January 07, 2008

To what extent does globalization contribute to sustainable prosperity to all people?

Today we....

1. Announced final exam - Friday January 25th @ 9 am. Information about the exam will come later. NOW is a good time to start preparing for exams!

2. "Four Corners" - statements about Globalization activity. Wrote an "exit slip" after this activity (had to explain your view) and handed in on way out of class.

3. International Agreements and Organizations JigSaw

4. Homework; Softwood Lumber Dispute p. 230-231
- record which perspective(s) you support most
- complete questions #1 & 2 (p.231)

DUE TOMORROW: Road To Economic Globalization Comic Book